Describe the difference between an XML Sitemap and an HTML Sitemap. List the benefits and disadvantages of using each.

A HTML sitemap allows people to read and navigate your website, however, an XML sitemap allows it to be accessible and can make it understandable for search engines to recognise. XML Sitemaps make search engine optimization and site discovery easier. Your websites develop owing to XML, more noticeable and discoverable. Ensure sure search engines can access and advertise your website. HTML sitemaps enable increased website usability, increases access and use effectiveness, and facilitates navigating. As it contains directions for this assessment work and the necessary proof, you must study this page in conjunction with your student unit guide.

Evaluate three IDEs (Integrated development environments) and provide a brief summary of the positive and negative aspects of each. Also, in your own words, include how it would suit an entry-level trainee code developer.

Popular open-source IDE for developing HTML code is called Atom. Atom has features like FTP and customized functions in addition to supporting many extensions. Although Atom does support a number of IDEs, not all languages are supported, and apps may experience problems with FTP connections. Sublime Text is a fantastic text editor with a wonderful user interface and personalization features. It is adaptable, highly customizable, and offers powerful search features. Editing is available on many displays at once. The program's shortcomings include the fact that not all programming dialects are supported and that it is difficult for novice programmers to use. A terrific scripting language with a wonderful user interface and customization options is Sublime Text.

Provide a brief history of web browser development and the issues encountered by web developers, specifically, the adherence to web standards.

The World Wide Web, developed in the 1990s by Tim Berners-Lee, was the first modern web browser ever created. The first browser to do so is Tim, which, in contrast to earlier browsers, also creates software to gather and serve content. The largest problem developers face is inconsistency across developers because there is no standard or evident way to create products and because there are too many different applications to discover it. Developers are now adopting HTML5, which gives a global language that adheres with a standard, in order to enable browser developers uniformity while coding to design their browsers.

What are website testing methodologies? Your answer MUST cover browser compatibility and website functionality.

Techniques for website testing are useful for identifying and assessing a web application's functional and non-functional requirements. These methods give developers the ability to locate bugs and errors in web app code. In the standard procedure of browser compatibility testing, just a small selection of browsers and devices are used to assess the functionality of the web page. Developers can test an application's accessibility and see if its features work as expected in different contexts by using the same application. Website functionality testing is another popular test technique for assessing each application's or website's functionality and deciding whether it conforms with objectives.

What are the endorsed requirements of accessibility for all NT government web pages?

The NT Government is implementing the National Vision Strategy (NTS) to enhance the usability and accessibility of its web pages in an online setting. NTG aims to increase acknowledged accessibility needs by approving and putting into effect the Session Content Systems Level, version 2.0 of the World-Wide Internet Technology Foundation's principles (WCAG 2.0). All content and websites must adhere to the WCAG 2.0 Level AA compliance and authorization goal of NTG.

How do you think it’s best to organize all the assets used for a specific webpage? Think locally on your computer AND within the root folder of the website.

The ideal approach to organize all of the resources necessary to create a particular webpage is to create distinct folders when saving HTML pages, CSS, and images. Make sure to save each in a separate folder specifically for those three crucial elements.